Walking in step with the Earth
As nations rise and fall
I'll take each breath with the tides
The Mother, the Earth, and I
The Mother, Earth, and I
Forever at peace
The Mother, Earth, and I
Together are we
Today I turn to the Earth
Farewell to Man and his pride
Today I look to the skies
The Mother, the Earth, and I
The Mother, Earth, and I
Forever at peace
The Mother, Earth, and I
Together are we
The Mother, Earth, and I
The solace in me
How right it is, and I will embrace it always
No matter what you praise or what you believe
From grave to glory go, the mother of life and decay
No matter what you praise, do you believe?
The Mother, Earth, and I
Forever at peace
The Mother, Earth, and I
Together are we
The Mother, Earth, and I
The solace in me
The Mother, Earth, and I