しっかりとぶち込むリズムに乗ってShikkari to buchikomu RIZUMU ni notte
答え導くベースドラム、とギターKotae michibiku BEESU DORAMU, to GITAA
感じるままにショウKanjiru mama ni SHOU
がっつり乗せたいwith the感情テンポgot yaGattsurinose tai with the kanjou TENPO got ya
Driving me crazy, yeah,ビート上に立ったDriving me crazy, yeah, BIITO ue ni tatta
Look at meさらに上がってくmy tensionLook at me sara ni agatteku my tension
空で筋と雲乗って歌うアンセムSora de suji to kumo notte utau ANSEMU
The crowd's gonna follow us,ピッチ上げThe crowd's gonna follow us, PICCHI age
ぶつけようbang, bang, gonna shout it out nowButsukeyou bang, bang, gonna shout it out now
Oh, nothing betterOh, nothing better
Yeah, nothing mattersYeah, nothing matters
闇を照らし出すYami wo terashidasu
始まりのspotlightHajimari no spotlight
This is the sound, it's our soundThis is the sound, it's our sound
胸を響かすMune wo hibikasu
感性に合わせて動き出すんだKansei ni awasete ugokidasun da
This is the sound, it's our soundThis is the sound, it's our sound
世界と繋げるSekai to tsunageru
僕らの声に合わせmove it upBokura no koe ni awase move it up
もう誰も止められないfireMou daremo tomerarenai fire
幕が降りても隠せない感情Maku ga oritemo kakusenai kanjou
切りない呼吸(let my breath out)Kirinai kokyuu (let my breath out)
息を吸ってonce more吐き出そうIki wo sutte once more hakidasou
Wake up count down一か八かWake up count down ikka baka
新しいカルテchartAtarashii KARUTE chart
脚本なしアドリブリアクションで振る総着Kyakuhon nashi ADORIBU RIACSHON de furu sougi
思い込めてcheersOmoikomete cheers
すでにもう決めたんだSude ni mou kimetan da
何もかもpeersNanimokamo peers
I'maからfly high right nowI'ma kara fly high right now
Oh, nothing betterOh, nothing better
Yeah, nothing mattersYeah, nothing matters
闇を照らし出すYami wo terashidasu
始まりのspotlightHajimari no spotlight
This is the sound, it's our soundThis is the sound, it's our sound
胸を響かすMune wo hibikasu
感性に合わせて動き出すんだKansei ni awasete ugokidasun da
This is the sound, it's our soundThis is the sound, it's our sound
世界と繋げるSekai to tsunageru
僕らの声に合わせmove it upBokura no koe ni awase move it up
Oh, oh, woah, ohOh, oh, woah, oh
Woah, woahWoah, woah
Woah, woah, woah, oh, woahWoah, woah, woah, oh, woah
僕たちのrhapsody, rhapsodyBokutachi no rhapsody, rhapsody
高鳴るthis melody, melodyTakanaru this melody, melody
上げていこうvolume up, max it upAgete ikou volume up, max it up
全てがひとつになって広がるんだSubete ga hitotsu ni natte hirogarun da
あたってくto this timeAtatteku to this time
上がっていくto our soundAgatte iku to our sound
Get down to destinationGet down to destination
This is our music driveThis is our music drive
燃え上がるstageがMoeagaru stage ga
舞い上がるラピュタMaiagaru RAPYUTA
高鳴るfeel and beatTakanaru feel and beat
This is our music driveThis is our music drive
This is the sound, it's our soundThis is the sound, it's our sound
胸を響かすMune wo hibikasu
感性に合わせて動き出すんだKansei ni awasete ugokidasun da
This is the sound, it's our soundThis is the sound, it's our sound
世界と繋げるSekai to tsunageru
僕らの声に合わせmove it upBokura no koe ni awase move it up