You're not the Sun
It's just a light
Waking early Sunday morning
You're not my church
It's just the bells
Ringing sweetly through the house
And in this sense of mine
You're not an answer
And I am not this prayer
You're still in reach
I please myself
Wasting early Sunday morning
You're not my lead
You're just my help
Talk the edge off sheer denial
And in this state of mine
You're what I want
Nothing close to what I need
I breathe you in
I breathe you in
I breathe you in
I breathe you in
Suit yourself
Lose myself
Breaking early Sunday morning
You're not the Sun
You're not my church
I still hold some self-control
But in this sense of mine
I'm still too high
Look, no hands!
I breathe you in
I breathe you in
I breathe you in
I breathe you in
I breathe you in