The mother of decorum, the sap of liberty
The maintenance of the Republic and the remedy
Of her vices, she is, above all else, the
Propagation of culture
The diffusion of culture in all societies
Of the world is vital, it is important, because with culture
It can extinguish great vices that exist in society
And so live in a world of peace
The mother of decorum, the sap of liberty
The maintenance of the Republic and the remedy
Of her vices, it is, above all else, the
Propagation of culture
It is the culture where we differentiate between
Freedom and licentiousness, since many
They shield in freedom and what they apply is
Debauchery, and abuse of freedom of expression
The mother of decorum, the sap of liberty
The maintenance of the Republic and the remedy
Of her vices, it is, above all else, the
Propagation of culture