I don't know where we're going, what I know
I want to go with you, I just want to be by your side
I don't care what your destiny is, I just want
Being part of your destiny, and being taken by your hand
No matter how deep the place we go
If I'm with you I'm sure of everything, because I love you
And with you the world becomes wonderful, that's why
I want to go where you go, be where you are, I love you
I don't know where we're going, what I know
I want to go with you, I just want to be by your side
I don't care what your destiny is, I just want
Being part of your destiny, and being taken by your hand
They say love is blind, I say no, just
That one sees through the eyes of the other, and I look through your
Eyes, and I want to go where you tell me, because love
It is the sweetest fruit that a human being can eat
I don't know where we're going, what I know
I want to go with you, I just want to be by your side
I don't care what your destiny is, I just want
Being part of your destiny, and being taken by your hand