For you I rob a rose, I don't care if I'm imprisoned
I will allege that I did it because I love the most beautiful woman
From the world and she deserves only the best, I would choose the most beautiful
Of all the roses and she would give it to you so you always remember me
I know it would make you happy, seeing your smiling face and smelling the rose, the
You will place in the best vase you have, and you will tell me I love you, I
I will say you are the queen who is in my heart, we will hug and provide
With wine celebrating our happiness and you will be happy as I will be
For you I rob a rose, I don't care if I'm imprisoned
I will allege that I did it because I love the most beautiful woman
From the world and she deserves only the best, I would choose the most beautiful
Of all the roses and I would give it to you so you always remember me
I would give you a kiss when giving it to you, and you will tell me, how rich you kiss, I will tell you
Your lips are sensual, and you will hug me and tell me, don't stop hugging me
And I will tell you, I love you, your smiling will tell me I love you too, I will steal another
Pink and you will keep it in your preferred reading book and every time you open
The book and you see the rose will you remember me
For you I rob a rose, I don't care if I'm imprisoned
I will allege that I did it because I love the most beautiful woman
From the world and she deserves only the best, I would choose the most beautiful
Of all the roses and I would give it to you so you always remember me