WAR! War of the ages, warwind, ironwind, deathwind
Blood that flows so fucking sweet, decapitation of human minds
Blood of the ages, bloodwind, plaguewind, faminewind
For Satan's glory we will fight
Like a battlecry for victory, we'll scream forth
The manifestation for eternal war
The manifestation for the blood of man
The manifestation for supremacy
The manifestation for massive death
WAR! Hate of the ages, battlewind, furywind, painwind
Killing winds of nuclear war. Toxic air breeds you all
Death of the ages, blackwind, hatewind, killingwind
Marching proud over bloodred ground
A black millennium, death has come
We'll scream forth. The manifestation for eternal war
The manifestation for the blood of man
The manifestation for supremacy
The manifestation for massive death
Warheads of mass destruction
Nuclear death, deformation
Tanks of steel, death on wheels
Ships of war to destroy you all
The manifestation for eternal war
The manifestation for the blood of man
The manifestation for supremacy
The manifestation for massive death
Winds of steel, for death you'll kneel
State of war, to decline you all
Warfare of degeneration
Atomic bombs, laceration