I like the way you walk
I like the way you talk
Let me hold your hand
Try to understand
I want a girl like you
Tell my love is true
Don't be afraid
You've heard what i said
Let the four winds blow
Let it blow and a-blow
>from the east to the west
I love you the best
Let the four winds blow
Let it blow and a-blow
>from the east to the west
I love you the best
<instrumental interlude>
I like the way you walk
I like the way you talk
Let me hold your hand
Try to understand
I want a girl like you
Tell my love is true
Don't be afraid
You've heard what i said
Let the four winds blow
Let it blow and a-blow
>from the east to the west
I love you the best
Let the four winds blow
Let it blow and a-blow
>from the east to the west
I love you the best
<instrumental fadeout>
Transcribed by little john
These lyrics were transcribed from the specific recording referenced
Above, and are for personal use and research interest only.