There's a hole in a bucketThere's a hole in a bucket
There's a whole new muppetThere's a whole new muppet
There's a hole in a bucket you a blind manThere's a hole in a bucket you a blind man
(Money and God)(Money and God)
There's a whole new muppet me a writerThere's a whole new muppet me a writer
久々に手に取るペン そして描くただ一本の線Hisabisa ni te ni toru pen soshite kaku tada ippon no sen
Man, what you want to do? と自分に言い聞かせるMan, what you want to do? to jibun ni iikikaseru
Welcomeしよう myselfを 脳みそ freeに動かすよWelcome shiyou myself wo noumiso free ni ugokasu yo
I follow you そして辿り着くI follow you soshite tadoritsuku
To 飾り窓 you still a youthTo kazari mado you still a youth
Beautiful 実際は悲しそう かごの鳥muppetの様Beautiful jissai wa kanashisou kago no tori muppet no you
踊らされ 動かされ 喋らされ 真似されてOdorasare ugokasare shaberarase mane sarete
There's a hole in a bucket you a blind manThere's a hole in a bucket you a blind man
(Money and God)(Money and God)
There's a whole new muppet me a writerThere's a whole new muppet me a writer
To play around rape me now wake me upTo play around rape me now wake me up
Let me smileLet me smile
You think I'm smiling because I'm happy?You think I'm smiling because I'm happy?
笑ってる'Cause悲しんでる 気付かれない事も慣れてるWaratteru 'Cause kanashindeter kizukarenai koto mo naretteru
13タロットカード deathを象徴z1も同様13 tarot card death wo shouchou z1 mo douyou
常に回って来るサイクルTsuneni mawatte kuru saikuru
It's hard to keep up the vibesIt's hard to keep up the vibes
大人が子供達をDeal 純粋な者達程feelOtona ga kodomotachi wo Deal junsuina monotachi hodo feel
負けるな Keep on traveling 旅に出てもっと学びにMakeru na Keep on traveling tabi ni dete motto manabi ni
人生って意外と儚い 花火師から学んだ StoryJinsei tte igai to hakanai hanabishi kara mananda Story
There's a hole in a bucket you a blind manThere's a hole in a bucket you a blind man
(Money and God)(Money and God)
There's a whole new muppet me a writerThere's a whole new muppet me a writer
To play around rape me now wake me upTo play around rape me now wake me up
Let me smileLet me smile
When I fall a sleep I dream to see if I bleedWhen I fall a sleep I dream to see if I bleed
Don't you let me sleep I fear the creep in meDon't you let me sleep I fear the creep in me
Human dying breedHuman dying breed
Dying breeddying breed
Human dying breedHuman dying breed