The Pharisees could not see this man was sent from God
They asked him: Are you someone great? But he said: I am not
You brood of vipers, don’t you see that I am not the Christ?
I am one who’s gone before to lay down my life
I am a voice, I am a voice
Crying out in the wilderness
Your pride and gift alone will not make you His choice
He’s looking for the one’s who only want to be a voice
So keep on climbing, climbing all your ladders to the top
But don’t you know that in the kingdom, down is the way up?
Raise up a voice, raise up a voice
Crying out in the wilderness
He’s looking for the ones who do not care about the cost
Denying earthly pleasures, finding pleasures of His heart
So lay down your life, become the highway of the King
The narrow path will be your crown, authority your ring
I am a voice, I am a voice
Crying out in the wilderness