Days were quiet
Nights were long
Before the witch queen
Held the throne
Gathered clouds above
The princedom
Not Perun's anger
But threat of evil
Pain, is what you will feel
When all of you will kneel
In front of our darkest princess
Her might, is what you will fear
When your eyes will see
How she turns men into ravens
Da-ark days came
Upon the land
Women, children
And all the men
Will be enslaved
To build her castle
Of salt stones
And the endless glare
Walls are glowing
If day or night
If sunlight or the
Bright Moon shines
The world did not
See such a castle
Strolling singers
Singing serenades
Under a veil in the morning breeze
Under a lee of frosted trees
A fairy gives him a sword, belt of braveness
And flower of cleverness
With a deep love in his heart
To a maid turned into a black cat
The fountain with water of life
Will scat the darkest spells
The son of the salty kingdom
His army meets the spells
Blood and thunder, flying witches
The castle melts in rain
Pain, is what you will not feel
And none of you will kneel
In front of self-created goddess
Her might, is not what you will fear
It will be only tales
When she turned men into ravens