You say you're the king
But you lie around
In the shade
Out of shape
The Moon cuts a path
Through the sky
By night or by day
It doesn't obey
And neither do I
You took my son
I hope you can run
'Cause I'm gonna be
The last thing you see
Before you go
Bye bye
There you go
Bye bye
Climb every tree
Across land and sea
I make you go
Bye bye
I make you go
Bye bye
Everything in my clutches
Bye bye
Everything the light touches
The circle of life is a lie
A pretty way to say
There are predators and prey
That circle of vultures up high
They keep stealing glances
They don't like your chances
And neither do I
I run my pride
You run and hide
'Cause I'm gonna be
The last thing you see
Before you go
Bye bye
There you go
Bye bye
Climb every tree
Across land and sea
Until you go
Bye bye
Will you go
Bye bye
Bye bye
For vengeance is mine
If I'm the last of my line
I must be strong
Like a dream that just doesn't
Let up, let up
And you scream 'cause you cannot
Get up, get up
Bye bye
Bye bye
I make you go
Bye bye
So long
Bye bye