I look across a raging warI look across a raging war
And feel the steady beating of my heartAnd feel the steady beating of my heart
あらしのまえのしずけさにArashi no mae no shizukesa ni
やいばをふりおろしていくんだYaiba wo furioroshite ikunda
くりかえしあmemory fadingいまもKurikaeshi a memory fading ima mo
じだいをこえて I tell a storyひびくJidai wo koete I tell a story hibiku
せんせんふこくのうたSensenfukoku no uta
ざんこくにそまれZankoku ni somare
このちかいをKono chikai wo
We'll fight until the bitter endWe'll fight until the bitter end
とぎれた息のねをTogireta iki no ne wo
けがれたせかいをつなぎとめてKegareta sekai wo tsunagi tomete
ぼくらのはぐるまをBokura no haguruma wo
It's time to stop and rewind, stop and rewindIt's time to stop and rewind, stop and rewind
うしなったきぼうをUshinatta kibou wo
こわれたじかんのぴーすをあつめてKowareta jikan no piisu wo atsumete
とりもどすためにTorimodosu tame ni
You need to fall and unwind, fall and unwindYou need to fall and unwind, fall and unwind
はしりだすこどうさえもHashiridasu kodou sae mo
かぎらないいつくしをKagiranai itsukushi wo
みちびきだすアルペジオMichibikidasu arupejio
Savior of SongSavior of Song
A Savior of SongA Savior of Song
いきとまり is this our endingあの日Ikitomari is this our ending ano hi
ぜんしんをつきさした their words of gloryめぐりZenshin wo tsukisashita their words of glory meguri
じごじとくの道Jigoujitoku no michi
かわりはてた日々Kawari hateta hibi
あおくてらしてAoku terashite
A destined future we'll defendA destined future we'll defend
くずれたげんじつとKuzureta genjitsu to
ぜつぼうにかられまよいつづけてZetsubou ni karare mayoi tsuzukete
いつかのぞんだみらいItsuka nozonda mirai
It's time to stop and rewind, stop and rewindIt's time to stop and rewind, stop and rewind
わすれたこころWasureta kokoro
とじこめたやみをきりひらいてTojikometa yami wo kirihiraite
まもりぬくためにMamori nuku tame ni
You need to fall and rewind, fall and rewindYou need to fall and rewind, fall and rewind
あふれだすしょうどうさえもAfuredasu shoudou sae mo
かなうはずもないゆめをKanau hazu mo nai yume wo
みちびきだすアルペジオMichibikidasu arupejio
Savior of SongSavior of Song
A Savior of SongA Savior of Song
Did you ever take the time to stop and thinkDid you ever take the time to stop and think
or imagine all the damage your words could cause?or imagine all the damage your words could cause?
It's now you're standing in front of a battle-sceneIt's now you're standing in front of a battle-scene
and one by one you're watching as hope is lostand one by one you're watching as hope is lost
Even though you can't undo all that you have doneEven though you can't undo all that you have done
it not too late to right all that you've done wrongit not too late to right all that you've done wrong
You only need to acknowledge the abysmal mindYou only need to acknowledge the abysmal mind
and then you'll find the answers inside of youand then you'll find the answers inside of you
ぼくらがのぞんだこたえはBokura ga nozonda kotae wa
にくしみでくるってしまうんだろうNikushimi de kurutte shimaun darou
あらそいのさきにのこしたArasoi no saki ni nokoshita
つめあとはだれがけすんだTsumeato wa dare ga kesunda
いままでとどかなくてIma made todokanakute
すくいのてをずっとこばんでいたSukui no te wo zutto kobande ita
はがねのようなくるしみにHagane no you na kurushimi ni
やいばをふりおろしていくんだYaiba wo furioroshite ikunda
とぎれた息のねをTogireta iki no ne wo
けがれたせかいをつなぎとめてKegareta sekai wo tsunagi tomete
ぼくらのはぐるまをBokura no haguruma wo
It's time to stop and rewind, stop and rewindIt's time to stop and rewind, stop and rewind
うしなったきぼうをUshinatta kibou wo
こわれたじかんのぴーすをあつめてKowareta jikan no piisu wo atsumete
とりもどすためにTorimodosu tame ni
You need to fall and unwind, fall and unwindYou need to fall and unwind, fall and unwind
はしりだすこどうさえもHashiridasu kodou sae mo
かぎらないいつくしをKagiranai itsukushi wo
みちびきだすアルペジオMichibikidasu arupejio
Savior of SongSavior of Song
A Savior of SongA Savior of Song