I will be there for usI will be there for us
とびたつ it is time to gotobitatsu it is time to go
Take it easyTake it easy
Let me breath deeply right nowLet me breath deeply right now
ねえ、たとえばどんなnee, tatoeba donna
つよいかぜのなかでもtsuyoi kaze no naka demo
keep my eyes headkeep my eyes head
Don't be afraid of mistakesDon't be afraid of mistakes
Tell me what you thinkTell me what you think
だれのためのlifedare no tame no life
The Sun also rises in youThe Sun also rises in you
よがあけるつばさひろげyoga akeru tsubasa hiroge
さあゆこうあすのほうへsaa yukou asu no hou e
あたらしいぼくらだけのanother placeatarashii bokura dake no another place
You bring me upYou bring me up
Don't bring me downDon't bring me down
すこしこわいけどsukoshi kowai kedo
ぼくらのこえit never endsbokura no koe it never ends
どこまででもcarry ondoko made demo carry on
Spread my wingsSpread my wings
Ride on the windRide on the wind
うつくしきあおぞらutsukushiki aozora
I am always with youI am always with you
きこえないかい you are not alonekikoerukai you are not alone
ぼくにだってきみにだってthe sameboku ni datte kimi ni datte the same
これはthis isはじまりのうたkore wa this is hajimari no uta
おもいをなんどもたしかめるomoi o nandomo tashikameru
メロディにのせmerodii ni nose
さあゆこうあすのほうへsaa yukou asu no hou e
あたらしいぼくらだけのanother placeatarashii bokura dake no another place
You bring me upYou bring me up
Don't bring me downDon't bring me down
すこしこわいけどsukoshi kowai kedo
ぼくらのこえit never endsbokura no koe it never ends
どこまででもcarry ondoko made demo carry on
spread my wingsspread my wings
Ride on the windRide on the wind
うつくしきあおぞらutsukushiki aozora
はばたくのさ go awayhabataku no sa go away
まぶしいあさやけのせかいへmabushii asayake no sekai e
You bring me upYou bring me up
Don't let me downDon't let me down
まだこわいけどmada kowai kedo
だれよりのfate is everythingdare yori no fate is everything
かわらないこのゆめkawaranai kono yume
No one can stop to overflowNo one can stop to overflow
Here we goはるかむこうへHere we go haruka mukou e
すばらしいぼくらだけのouter spacesubarashii bokura dake no outer space
You bring me upYou bring me up
Let's go with meLet's go with me
なにもこわくないnani mo kowakunai
ぼくらのこえit never endsbokura no koe it never ends
いつまでのnever fade outitsu made mo never fade out
Once more againOnce more again
It's more than wordsIt's more than words
ひびきあううたごえhibiki au utagoe