Hello ぼくときみへHello boku to kimi e
あの日のやくそくをまだ do you remember?ano hi no yakusoku o mada do you remember?
Blowing in the windBlowing in the wind
So far awaySo far away
くりかえし everydaykurikaeshi everyday
きのうとおなじようでそうじゃない other daykinou to onaji you de sou janai other day
いざきたえみなみへiza kita e minami e
あめあがりのみちみずたまりにうつるそらにはにじame agari no michi mizu tamari ni utsuru sora ni wa niji
おおいかぜにのって go for itooikaze ni notte go for it
めのまえにひろがる horizonme no mae ni hirogaru horizon
かそくする in a momentkasoku suru in a moment
Running on this worldRunning on this world
どこまでも anywheredoko made mo anywhere
In the winding roadIn the winding road
Take fighting poseTake fighting pose
ふみこんでいけ first stepfumikonde ike first step
せいいっぱいてをふりあしをあげるseiippai te o furi ashio ageru
それだけで thats allsori dake de thats all
ぼくらそれぞれいつかはなればなれべつの another waysbokura sore zore itsuka hanarebanare betsu no another ways
そのさきの goal tape のほうへsono saki no goal tape no hou e
だれのためだれうどろだらけの running shoes ですすむ off roaddare no tame dareu dorodarake no running shoes de susumu off road
Your life is yours そして yours aloneYour life is yours soshite yours alone
めのまえにひろがる horizonme no mae ni hirogaru horizon
かそくする in a momentkasoku suru in a moment
Running on this worldRunning on this world
どこまでも anywheredoko made mo anywhere
In the winding roadIn the winding road
Take fighting poseTake fighting pose
ふみこんでいけ first stepfumikonde ike first step
せいいっぱいてをふりあしをあげるseiippai te o furi ashio ageru
それだけで thats allsori dake de thats all
くじけそうならたちどまって look up at the skykujike sou nara tachidomatte look up at the sky
Get started againGet started again
(Get started again)(Get started again)
なんども try to donan do mo try to do
Running on this worldRunning on this world
どこまでも anywheredoko made mo anywhere
In the winding roadIn the winding road
Take fighting poseTake fighting pose
Again and againAgain and again
We are number oneWe are number one
Just the only oneJust the only one
'Cause I know'Cause I know
ふりかえらないよ yesterdayfurikaeruna yo yesterday
なんまん mile はしるたび it's the youthful daysnan man mile hashirutabi it's the youthful days
This is the best of my lifeThis is the best of my life