Fugitives on the galleons, I go:
more bacon than the pan can handle
Emperors and the salamanders:
more bacon than the pan can handle
Nuggets and the heliotropes, I go:
more bacon than the pan can handle
Party games and ocean liners:
more bacon than the pan can handle
Utility man
Utility man
Chocolate bar
State of grace and the ginger root, I go:
more bacon than the pan can handle
Motionless and the circumstances
more bacon than the pan can handle
Overland and the easternmost, I go:
more bacon than the pan can handle
Hoop skirts and the bubbly strangers:
more bacon than the pan can handle
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
There's a little give to it, mmm,
there's a little give to it
Better the devil you know.
Better the devil you know.