Look at Miss Peach Tree man walking up and down the street
She's got a proposition for everyone she meets I used to
Know her when she was just a man, now she's a Down child
From the Peachtree land walkin' the beat, oo
Peaches never was so sweet!
Peaches once was Stan, that was so long ago
Tell you Stanlley changed to Peaches, it took about a month
Or more, then she got a job with a soul D.J. he fired her
When he found out she was funny that way
Not quite complete, oooo Peaches never was so sweet!
Peaches loved Michael comin' on the evening train
He would wait out at the station every night in vain
He never should, they never met how her heart was hurting'
She would never forget, in retreat oo
Peaches never was so sweet!
A muddy water
Tell on it
Look out - Miss Peach Tree man, I wonder where you are today
I wonder what you are and how you ever got that way
Are you a woman or are you a man
Are still an over from the Peachtree land
I repeat, oo peaches never was so sweet. It's defeat
I repeat, oo peaches never was so sweet
Quite a treat, oo peaches never was so sweet