誰もが揺れてんだdaremoga agaite nda
引き裂かれた未来hikisaka reta mirai
取り戻すためtorimodosu tame
1人で悩んでいた1-ri de nayande ita
答えられない期待kotae rarenai kitai
胸に抱えmune ni kakae
高くそびえ立つtakaku sobietatsu
壁をよじ登るkabe o yojinoboru
僕に手を差し伸べたのはboku ni te o sashinobeta no wa
Somebody said that life's not fairSomebody said that life's not fair
It's for the chosen heirsIt's for the chosen heirs
Futile no matter how we tryFutile no matter how we try
明日を変えるのはashita o kaeru no wa
僕ら自身だと誓いbokura jishinda to chikai
顔を上げたkao o ageta
同じ星に生まれonaji hoshi ni umare
同じ時を生きonaji toki o iki
同じ場所に集う奇跡よonaji basho ni tsudou kiseki yo
いつだって僕らは強く願うのさitsu datte bokura wa tsuyoku negau no sa
信じ合う想いがshinji au omoi ga
何度だってそう乗り越えるnando datte sō norikoeru
More than wordsMore than words
今だってima datte
Beyond the worldBeyond the world
感じているkanjite iru
More than wordsMore than words
名もなきその声が響いてるna mo naki so no koe ga hibii teru
時間は戻らないjikan wa modoranai
ある瞬間消えaruhitotsuzen kie
記憶となるkioku to naru
だから僕は今dakara boku wa ima
できるすべてただdekiru subete tada
The invisible painThe invisible pain
分かち合ってwakachi atte
Rainbow after rainRainbow after rain
希望となれkibō to nare
Come and try it againCome and try it again
二度とは会えなくともnidoto wa aenakutomo
信じているshinjite iru
いつだって僕らは旅を続けるのさitsu datte bokura wa tabi o tsudzukeru no sa
繋げる想いを繋いでくtsunageru sō yume o tsunaide ku
そのためにsonotame ni
More than wordsMore than words
何度だってnando datte
Beyond the worldBeyond the world
More than wordsMore than words
約束の瞬間へかけていくyakusoku no shunkan e kakete iku
To break the wall in between usTo break the wall in between us
Don't hold the sorrows alone nowDon't hold the sorrows alone now
To break the wall in between usTo break the wall in between us
Don't hold the sorrows alone nowDon't hold the sorrows alone now
To break the wall in between usTo break the wall in between us
Don't hold the sorrows alone nowDon't hold the sorrows alone now
To break the wall in between usTo break the wall in between us
Don't hold the sorrows alone nowDon't hold the sorrows alone now