りかいなどゆるされないふせいなるしんくろrikai nado yurusarenai fusei naru shinkuro
よげんしゃはかさなりあうふたつのそらをみたyogensha wa kasanariau futatsu no sora wo mita
じしょうのなみへいざなうすがたをみせないしはいしゃjishou no nami he izanau sugata wo misenai shihaisha
みちすうのなげきけついのりみっとmichi suu no nageki ketsui no rimitto
しんじつのとびらがひらくshinjitsu no tobira ga hiraku
if this story was the one to draw a miracleif this story was the one to draw a miracle
When time comes someday I will be meeting you againWhen time comes someday I will be meeting you again
だきしめあったままゆめのはなしをかたりあおうdakishimeatta mama yume no hanashi wo katariaou
You will wish many happiness when you are free to flyYou will wish many happiness when you are free to fly
Then you will be facing many feelings like smile and tearsThen you will be facing many feelings like smile and tears
うんめいの道びきあいがうまれたあのしゅんかんunmei no michibiki ai ga umareta ano shunkan
このものがたりはみらいへとつづいてゆくkono monogatari wa mirai he to tsuzuite yuku
ごうまんなりそうしゅぎでつくりだすはこにわgouman na risou shugi de tsukuridasu hakoniwa
あさはかなじこぎせいのひきかえだいしょうはasahaka na jiko gisei no hikikae daishou wa
じかんはみちてゆくほどざひょうはひきよせあってjikan wa michite yuku hodo zahyou wa hikiyoseatte
みらいのかいへんかくごのりみっとmirai no kaihen kakugo no rimitto
しんじつのとびらがひらくshinjitsu no tobira ga hiraku
If this story was the one to draw a miracleIf this story was the one to draw a miracle
When time comes someday I will be meeting you againWhen time comes someday I will be meeting you again
くるおしくたかなるいのちのこどうかんじながらkuruoshiku takanaru inochi no kodou kanji nagara
You will wish many happiness when you are free to flyYou will wish many happiness when you are free to fly
Then you will be facing many feelings like smile and tearsThen you will be facing many feelings like smile and tears
うんめいの道びきあいがうまれたあのしゅんかんunmei no michibiki ai ga umareta ano shunkan
このものがたりはみらいへとつづいてゆくkono monogatari wa mirai he to tsuzuite yuku
If this story was the one to draw a miracleIf this story was the one to draw a miracle
When time comes someday I will be meeting you againWhen time comes someday I will be meeting you again
だきしめあったままゆめのはなしをかたりあおうdakishimeatta mama yume no hanashi wo katariaou
You will wish many happiness when you are free to flyYou will wish many happiness when you are free to fly
Then you will be facing many feelings like smile and tearsThen you will be facing many feelings like smile and tears
うんめいの道びきあいがうまれたあのしゅんかんunmei no michibiki ai ga umareta ano shunkan
このものがたりはみらいへとつづいてゆくkono monogatari wa mirai he to tsuzuite yuku