(Eric) Lord I Stand in Your presence, waiting You and needing You and
(Jason) I am here and I surrender all of me, so I can see
(Faith) Your will is where I desire to be take all of me
(Jana) All that I have and all that I do
(Jana & Daphanie)I give it to You, Lord it's for You
(Jana, Daphanie and Jason) Just take my hand and I'll follow You
For all that I have and all that I do, it's for You
(Ashley) You are my song, it's Your love that keeps me strong
(Ashley) You are the light in the darkest of my night
(Jason) I'm lost without You, broken without You, oh how I need You
(Jason & Ashley) Oh, How I need You
(Nikki) You make life worth living, Your grace always You keep giving
I'm lost without You, broken without You
Oh how I need You, Oh how I need You
(Erica)Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy
Have mercy
(Erica) Lord Have Mercy
(Charmaine) We need Your healing, please give us healing
(Erica & Charmaine) Lord, have mercy, have mercy
(Charmaine) Lord, have mercy, have mercy
(Anaysha) Lord, I come broken in this place
(Anaysha) Weak and poor for all I have is Yours, is Yours
(Daphanie) This life, these things they can't compare to You
(Daphanie) No wealth, no fame can separate the one my heart adores
(Anaysha) Yet we take our eyes off You, we're blind in reaching for the truth
(Anaysha) And now the whole world cries because it realizes
There is none, quite like You
The earth, the stars, the universe repeat these words so true
(Eric) Life begins and life will end with You
Life begins and life will end with You
When I die what will they say about me
Will the work that I've done be enough to help someone when I die
Did I draw men's hearts to You
At the setting of the sun let me hear You say well done when I die
(Eric) Well Done, well done