Five men to guard the British rank and five to watch the town
And two to stand at either hand and one to let Bill Tenner out.
He had eighty weight of Spanish iron between his neck bone and
his knee,
But Billy took Johnny up under his arm and lugged him away right
And Billy broke locks and Billy broke bolts and Billy broke all
that he came nigh,
Until he came to the dungeon door and that he broke right
So they stole them a horse and away did ride and who what they
rode gallantly,
Until they came to the river bank to the river runnin' wild and
The British were comin' close on their heels and who but they
stood fearfully,
'Till Billy took Johnny up on his back and carried him over it
So they called at the inn for a room to dance and who but they
danced merrily
And the very best dancer among them all was old John Webb who
was just set free!