A star is calling me, me está llamando
A star is calling me, me está llamando
A star is calling me, me está llamando
And it is telling me "me estás mintiendo"
A star is calling me, me está llamando
And it is asking me "¿qué estás haciendo?"
And I am answering, 'toy respondiendo
That I'm just hiding, me estoy escondiendo
That I'm just hiding por un tiempo...
He was born en cuna de plata
She was born en cuna 'e madera
He was born in cuna de lata
She came out from un bar cualquiera
He was born in a dirty zanja
She came out de la misma tierra
Silver spoon, cuchara de plata
Wooden spoon, cuchara 'e madera
But we talk to the same estrella
And it shouts "Hey, la vida es bella!"
Silver spoon, cuchara de plata
Wooden spoon, cuchara 'e madera
When we travel el mundo entero,
A contramano y haciendo dedo
Then we look into each others ojos
And we find we're en un enredo
Nooooo, no te voy a mirar
porque vas a decir lo que pensás
Ay, estrella star, why can't you lie
Como los demás?
A star is calling me, me está llamando...