We need some black bean tea like we need some sleep
And our eyes are closed but we don't sleep a wink
Can't you see? Shit don't you know it gets better?
Then we wake
Rise quick
Then we fade much faster but the patience in hand of the same old bastard says
Don't put all your dreams in one basket
Go ahead my friend you asked so I'll tell ya
The simplicities of food clothes and shelter
Shit don't you know it gets better?
Comics and flicks a bag of grass is all we need
Got a country house in the heart of the city
I fret and forget defeated be patient
If it rains sit still in five it's a changin'
So don't put all your dreams in one basket
Out back in the yard our stresses can rest
Where the shrubs meet towers when the sun sets out west
Don't you know it gets better?
Comics and flicks a bag of grass is all we need
Got a country house in the heart of the city
Aw hell...
Hey oh yeah it gets better from calm to all calamity
The good and bad of everything
Well hey oh yeah it gets better
My nerves they swerve between the curve
I guess it can only get better from here