I went to work this mornin'
My foreman looked me in the eye
He said: Fella I don't know what's wrong with ya
But you look sick enough to die
He sent me to the company doctor
And he examined from head to toe
Whatever's wrong with ya, young man
My x-rays just won't show
I say, angel of mercy
Won't you please look down on me?
Angel of mercy
A little mercy is all I need
The finance company
They just don't receive my check
They say they want a payment by Friday
Or they want all-a the furniture back
I went to the credit union
To try to get myself a loan
They said: I would let ya have it young man
But we hear that you won't be workin' here much longer
Angel of mercy
Won't you please look down on me?
Oh, angel of mercy
A little mercy is all I need
Lord have mercy! Oh, angel! Oh!
Cut my lights off this mornin'
They set my furniture out doors
I was listenin' to the weatherman 'while ago
An' he's says it's gonna rain an'snow
My daughter's got pneumonia
An' my son is down with the flu
My whole family's sufferin' from malnutrition
And I can't even 'ford them soup
I say, angel of mercy
Won't you please look down on me?
Oh, angel of mercy
A little mercy is all I need