Vanquishing a dying breed once called humanity
Fall into my dream
Destroying what's left of this world's life
The stench of bodies, the stench of death
The human race will learn I will not relent
The stench of the bodies, the stench of death
I've seen the dead tormented and misshapen
Proof of the boundless power I have been entrusted
Fall into my dream
Forever in the wake of limitless fury
Eternal life is what I own
And you will flee in fear of me
Wretched scum, get on your knees
And bow in my favor
I will pull the dead from the ground
I will find the lost, the forgotten
For every weakness that lies in the human race
For all of the scum
Beg for a new beginning
I will pull the dead from the ground just to shatter the bodies
I will find the lost, the forgotten
Beg for a new life
Wait for the day to come
Pray for life
In the end of it all, I will rise up from my broken legs