It's not right the way that you deal with her
She's not something you handle like cash
To be undressed like Sunday's leftovers
To be picked on Monday And Tuesday in the trash
That's where she ends up
It's not right the way that you don't listen
She's not something you hang on a wall
To be moved at the earliest convenience
Well you say that you love her
You don't love her at all You don't love her at all
One day you'll look round and she won't be there
She'll disappear in front of your face
She'll walk over you as if you weren't there
You never really were there anyway
You can buy her a slice of the good life
But you're buying time that's all
One day she'll pull out the big knife
Well you say that you love her
You don't love her at all You don't love her at all
One day she'll get wise and drop the big one
And disappear in front of your face
That's what comes from lies and living in one
She never really was there anyway She never really was there anyway
That's where she ends up Never really there anyway