In a huge cauldron of darkened steel,
Wrapped by an immeasurable fungus scab,
Gushes a greenish liquid,
Hearing wailings from weakened souls
Let's destroy the eternal suffers!!!
Let's glorify the valiant heroes!!!
Viscera of those who didn't resist the call,
Memories of those who abased themselves,
Are browing at soft fire...
The ill-tempered blood is thrown and boiled...
'Til a stinky pulp is formed...
The bilious barm of the most rickety alligator is added...
And the surrounding swamps keep silent
'Til the face of the beast glimpses from the liquid...
The potion is ready!!!
A spoonful for those who are present
The loosers will pass away and be used in the next potion...
The brave ones will mark their front and carry on their crusade....
We don't need to pray
Evil lives with us...
Let's proceed to earthly purification!!!
Let's raise the flag of glory...
And Let's praise the eternal heroes!!!