Tripping back and forth to the moon
As the miles drip off the spoon
Jacked up on cold caffene
Draggin my nutsthrough valvoline
Like the flinstones they use thier feet
I made the machine
Hey man smells like sumpin died under the seat
Out of mind maybe
Peel it back-peel it back
You got nothin' but skin
Peel it back-black to red-peel it back
To the moon
You know i gotta move
I rust like tin if i stand still
I got my barney olfield grin on
And i take my bitch for a ride
Hey man do ya wanna come along
Peel it back
She ain't got nuthin but skin
But her metal sure do shine
Peel it back-black to red-peel it back
You got nuthin but skin-peel it back
If i win i lose
Nuthin but skin
Shit goddammmm.