On a starred night Lucifer uprose. Tired of his domain
accused the fiend. Above the rolling sphere in a cloud
part screened, where believers embrace their wildest realm.
Poor prey to his hot fit of pride were those & now upon
his western wing he leaned. Now his huge bulk careened.
Now the planet whispered: "Drink what you may, sleep
if you will, inhsle the poison, swallow your pills.
The god of the empty, the seed of your pain.
The toxin I spread lies still in your brains".
He reached a higher plane & to the stars he sang.
Soaring through wider zones that pricked his scars,
with memory of the old revolt from Awe.
For the dawn of Knowledge has a Southern Sign.
Lucifer once again disposes his arm around the ancient
track marched. Path of the unalterable law of light.
On a blood red moon Lucifer proposed. Devoted to
his dominion claimed the fiend. Below the rolling sphere
in a cloud part screened, where sinners embrace their reverie.
Poor prey to his hot fit of pride were those & now upon
his western wing he leaned, now his huge bulk careened ...
Vntil the Sunset of their resistance fall behind the spikes
which adorn their heads, the toxin I spread lies
still in your brains ... Said Lucifer In Twilight.