ひざをかかえたまま くらいやみのなかでhiza o kakaeta mama kurai yaminonakade
いきをひそめて ただせをそむけいくのかiki o hisomete tada se o somuke iku no ka?
しょうらいをとざしたまま そのこどくのなかでshōrai o tozashita mama sono kodoku no naka de
ふるえおびえるなら ただひとりくちるだけfurue obierunara tada hitori kuchiru dake
もくてきをしつくしたまま くやしなみだをmokuteki o shitsu kushita mama kuyashinamida o
たとえやむなくとも ながしたとしてもtatoe yamunakutomo nagashita to shite mo
みらいをのぞむのなら はしりつづけろmirai o nozomu nonara hashiri tsudzukero
きぼうをもとむのなら あらがえkibō o motomu nonara aragae
Raise! Feel the flame ofRaise! Feel the flame of
Fire burning in your soulFire burning in your soul
ほしもみえないよるだとしてもhoshi mo mienai yoruda to shite mo
There will always beThere will always be
The light comes up to break the darkThe light comes up to break the dark
やみをうけてたて ahyami o ukete tate ah
Heart in a blaze! A cry of rage!Heart in a blaze! A cry of rage!
びりょくでいいbiryokude ī
Heart in a blaze! A cry of rage!Heart in a blaze! A cry of rage!
ふみだせさあfumidase sā
You're in a maze out in a hazeYou're in a maze out in a haze
てさぐりなまま いまはあくむのなかでtesagurina mama ima wa akumu no naka de
みみをすませば ほらきこえてくるだろうmimi o sumaseba hora kikoete kurudarou
あげたけんでさあ たたかえとageta ken de sā tatakae to
Raise! Feel the flame ofRaise! Feel the flame of
Fire burning in your soulFire burning in your soul
さきのみえないみちだとしてもSaki no mienai michida to shite mo
Now you're seeing the lightNow you're seeing the light
Coming up to break the darkComing up to break the dark
しんじやみをたて ahShinji yami o tate ah
Heart in a blaze! A cry of rage!Heart in a blaze! A cry of rage!
たぎるおもいtagiru omoi
Heart in a blaze! A cry of rage!Heart in a blaze! A cry of rage!
くりだせさあkuridase sā
Out of the maze out from the hazeOut of the maze out from the haze
ぬけだしたなら きたいをそらにはなてnukedashitanara kitai o sora ni hanate
みらいをのぞむなら ただはしりつづけろmirai o nozomunara tada hashiri tsudzukero
きぼうをもとむなら こたえはそのなかにKibō o motomunara kotae wa sono naka ni
むねにきざまれた このつよいおもいはmune ni kizama reta kono tsuyoi omoi wa
やがてかがやいて みちをてらしてゆくのだからyagate kagayaite michi o terashite yuku nodakara
なみだがこぼれてゆく まもりたいただ ahnamida ga koborete yuku mamoritai tada ah
Heart in a blaze! A cry of rage!Heart in a blaze! A cry of rage!
びりょくでいいbiryokude ī
Heart in a blaze! A cry of rage!Heart in a blaze! A cry of rage!
Out of the maze out from the hazeOut of the maze out from the haze
てさぐりでいい いまだねんがんのはんtesaguride ī imada nengan no han
Heart in a blaze! A cry of rage!Heart in a blaze! A cry of rage!
たぎるおもいtagiru omoi
Heart in a blaze! A cry of rage!Heart in a blaze! A cry of rage!
くりだせさあkuridase sā
We all unite! The bonds are tight!We all unite! The bonds are tight!
きずつくことをおそれないでkizutsuku koto o osorenaide
つまずいてもtsumazuite mo
Don't lose your heart!Don't lose your heart!
Follow your rage! Cry out loud!Follow your rage! Cry out loud!