奔る風が燃えるhashiru kaze ga moeru
律動胸を躍らせるritsudō mune wo odoraseteru
遥か空を馳せるharuka sora wo haseru
時を積み重ねて come to my sidetoki wo tsumikasanete come to my side
No one canNo one can
Nobody knowsNobody knows
But someone shoutsBut someone shouts
Finally, it comes!Finally, it comes!
Grab all my dreams そう信じてGrab all my dreams sō shinjite
Grab hold of my dreams 舞い上がろうGrab hold of my dreams maiagarou
一欠片溢さないikkakera afusanai
示した道をゆくshimeshita michi wo yuku
怯まずにhibamazu ni
声は真を纏うkoe wa shin wo matō
時を変え続けて closer to metoki wo kae tsuzukete closer to me
No one canNo one can
Nobody thinksNobody thinks
But someone shoutsBut someone shouts
"Finally, it moves!""Finally, it moves!\"
Get all my dreams 今すぐにGet all my dreams ima sugu ni
Get hold of my dreams 飛び立とうGet hold of my dreams tobitatou
立ち上る輝きはtachiagaru kagayaki wa
踏み出し地を固めfumidashi chi wo katame
恐れないで臨めosorenai de nozome
幾度も戻されながらikudo mo modosarenagara
それでもまた手を広げて高くsoredemo mata te wo hirogete takaku
Grab all my dreams 躊躇わずGrab all my dreams chūchowazu
Grab hold of my dreams 舞い上がろうGrab hold of my dreams maiagarou
一欠片溢さないikkakera afusanai
示した道をゆくshimeshita michi wo yuku
怯まずに掴もうhibamazu ni tsukamou
Get all my dreams 今すぐにGet all my dreams ima sugu ni
Get hold of my dreams 飛び立とうGet hold of my dreams tobitatou
立ち上る輝きはtachiagaru kagayaki wa
踏み出し地を固めfumidashi chi wo katame
進め雄々しく挑め凛々しくsusume ooshikushite idome rinrinshiku
今を塗り替えてゆけima wo nurikaete yuke