Braveheart! Within our souls! We all stand with the prideBraveheart! Within our souls! We all stand with the pride
たたかい なみだ ながしても いつか その ねがい かなう だろうtatakai namida nagashite mo itsuka sono negai kanau darou
Be proud! Yourself! Trust your heart! Leave all tears behindBe proud! Yourself! Trust your heart! Leave all tears behind
さあ、その ゆめ を かかげよう まぶゆい ひかり の なか にsaa, sono yume o kakageyou mabayui hikari no naka ni
Lies! Lie over the ground and the skyLies! Lie over the ground and the sky
ぎ を まどう こえ に うたがえgi o madou koe ni utagae
Fate! Fades before you reach highFate! Fades before you reach high
こころ まもる こえ に したがえkokoro mamoru koe ni shitagae
Keep your trust ひかり たたれて もKeep your trust hikari tatarete mo
きみ の おもい は だれ も たやせないkimi no omoi wa dare mo tayasenai
かげ に おくして も して も かまわないkage ni okushite mo shite mo kamawanai
やみ も てらせる さyami mo teraseru sa
Be brave! Arouse! Light your souls! We all fight till the lastBe brave! Arouse! Light your souls! We all fight till the last
たたかい おそれ こばんでも のぞんだ その ゆめ は かなわないtatakai osore kobandemo nozonda sono yume wa kanawanai
We hold the light of our hope so, please, don't lose your trustWe hold the light of our hope so, please, don't lose your trust
いま その さき が みえず とも まよわず まえ を むきゆけima sono saki ga miezu tomo mayowazu mae o mukiyuke
Guise! Guide through the fraud outta prideGuise! Guide through the fraud outta pride
ぎ を ほこる ゆめ を あざなえgi o hokoru yume wo azanae
Faiths! Face at the fall of graceFaiths! Face at the fall of grace
こころ ともす ゆめ を いざなえkokoro tomosu yume o izanae
Keep on thrust! みち を たたれて もKeep on thrust! michi o tatarete mo
きみ の おもい は けっして とまらないkimi no omoi wa kesshite tomaranai
その いし は だれ も こわせないsono ishi wa dare mo kowasenai
まえ に すすめる さmae ni susumeru sa
braveheart! Within our souls! We all stand with the pridebraveheart! Within our souls! We all stand with the pride
たたかい なみだ ながしても いつか その ねがい かなう だろうtatakai namida nagashite mo itsuka sono negai kanau darou
Be proud! Yourself! Trust your heart! Leave all tears behindBe proud! Yourself! Trust your heart! Leave all tears behind
さあ、その ゆめ を かかげよう まぶゆい ひかり の なか にsaa, sono yume o kakageyou mabayui hikari no naka ni
かなわぬ さだめ と ひざ を ついてkanawanu sadame to hiza o tsuite
あらがい を わすれて め を ふせ いき ひそめ すごす の かaragai o wasurete me o fuse iki hisome sugosu no ka
のぞんだ みらい を いま とりもどせnozonda mirai o ima torimodose
まだ むね の おく きらめく とうし で たちあがれmada mune no oku kirameku toushi de tachiagare
おのれ を しんじてonore o shinjite
Be brave! Arouse! Light your souls! We all fight till the lastBe brave! Arouse! Light your souls! We all fight till the last
たたかい おそれ こばんでも のぞんだ その ゆめ は かなわないtatakai osore kobande mo nozonda sono yume wa kanawanai
braveheart! Within our souls! We all stand with the pridebraveheart! Within our souls! We all stand with the pride
たたかい なみだ ながしても いつか その ねがい かなう だろうtatakai namida nagashite mo itsuka sono negai kanau darou
We hold the light of our hope so, please, don't lose your trustWe hold the light of our hope so, please, don't lose your trust
ただ その さき が みえず とも とどめた その ゆめ が てらす だろうtada sono saki ga miezu tomo todometa sono yume ga terasu darou
Be proud! Yourself! Trust your heart! Leave all tears behindBe proud! Yourself! Trust your heart! Leave all tears behind
さあ、この やみ を ふりはらい すすもう この おわり は あけない はずsaa, kono yami o furiharai susumou kono owari wa akenai hazu
Fight for our glory! Fight to stay worthy!Fight for our glory! Fight to stay worthy!
Even if dark fills the sky with the agonyEven if dark fills the sky with the agony
Fight for our glory! Fight to stay worthy!Fight for our glory! Fight to stay worthy!
Believe in ourselves and fight with the prideBelieve in ourselves and fight with the pride
Fight for our glory! Fight to stay worthy!Fight for our glory! Fight to stay worthy!
Even if dark fills the sky with the agonyEven if dark fills the sky with the agony
Fight for our glory! Fight with our pride!Fight for our glory! Fight with our pride!
We'll fightWe'll fight
To break through the darkTo break through the dark
To hold the light in our handsTo hold the light in our hands