For the last couple of years, I've been carefully observing the balance of my life
Examining the practical and spiritual pillars that give structure to my days and my weeks
Sensing the ebon flow of my relationships with technology and nature
Becoming aware of how even the smallest, unexpected drops of pleasure or pain could spiral my day
I used to think I could do nothing but watch the ricochet
My life pillars tumbling like dominoes
As if each ball held the same scientific laws of gravity
I now know that life is not beyond my intervention
It is difficult but not impossible
Love is a practice and practice takes time and time is the most precious thing we have
Wether the love of a craft or a person, we must practice our love by making
From this thinking, came The Eleven
A self-healing practice where you use physical cues and vocalization to commit to change
This range from private, undetectable gestures
To bolder physicals movements and mantras to be expressed alone
Or in the company of a likeminded group
I look forward to sharing these movements with you
The blissful feeling of momentary transcendence, evoked by art, music, sex and togetherness
Eusexua can be followed by a surgical tranquility and feelings of limitless possibility
The pinnacle of human experience
What follows is the lexicon
A set of eleven words, eleven ideas that, if followed, will lead you into state where you are receptive to eusexua
The carefully managed flow of what you ingest and what forms you including imagery, information, energy, air food and water
The curated input of energies, ideas and physicalities entering each human vessel
Consciously filtering your keychain of human relationships to prioritize quality over quantity
Optimizing your network for minds and bodies that bring you love, knowledge and experience
To passively or unwittingly merge with technology
Slipping too deeply into the algorithms that surround you
A person merged with tech in a way that has become unhealthy
Inspired by the mounting of flesh and cyborg in the movies of David Cronenberg
The condition of being comfortable with yourself having actively stepped back from social activities in order to nourish your solo identity
To recalibrate and optimize the external environment that fosters your creativity
To prepare the ground so that you have the perfect setting to focus your energies
The art of sol
The act pf purifying your energetic and physical space by prioritizing the crafted over mass produced
The pure over the processed
Favoring the meaningful over the inconsequential
Entering a virtuous circle of creative motion where your
Inspiration comes within you and you're creating work that reinspires you
Affirming your unique perspective in an upwards artistic spiral
The unique and ever-evolving body of work that is self-expression
The work of art that it is you
The place where you're at peace with your inner reality and acknowledging the power greater than yourself of energy, spirit of God
Eusexua body
The conscious movements and exercises that bring health, self-awareness and optimal expression to your physical vessel
Primal revelaiton
The knowledge that we are nature
The understanding that we sit within not beyond the natural world
Becoming a creative conduit
A guided meditation for artists and performers
Welcome to this guided meditation into grounding you and unlocking your creative potential
Find a comfortable position
Close your eyes
And take a deep breathe in
Feeling the Earth beneath you supporting your weight
As you inhale, imagine yourself as a mighty oak tree
Rooted deeply into the soul of your life experiences
Feel the roots extending from your feet, anchoring you firmly to the ground, drawing in the nourishment of your past
Every experience aring in the trunk of your being
Now invision the bulk of the tree
Resilient and protective
Let it remind you that you are strong and capable
Impervious to doubt or imposter syndrome
You have everything in you to create authentically
With each exhale, visualize the branches reaching upwards
Connecting you to the vast expanse above
Give yourself permission to become hollow
A vessel for divine inspiration to float through you
Feel the energy moving from the tips of your branches down to your core
As you breathe in
Imagine your lungs expanding like the leaves in the wind
Filling with artistic space, the breathe of creation
And, as you exhale
Release any doubts, fears or insecurity, the dark matter
Letting them dissipate into the air
Continue this cycle of breathe
Each exhale purifying your being until there is only pure, radiant energy left within you
Know that you are connected both to the higher power above and the core of the Earth below
A conduit for creativity and expression
When you feel fully grounded and aligned, gently open your eyes
Carrying the sense of empowerment and connection with you as you move forward in your creative journey
You are a beautiful conduit of your life experiences
Ready to channel divine art into the world