Shake it, do it back againShake it, do it back again
Shake it, do it back againShake it, do it back again
Shake it, do it back againShake it, do it back again
Shake it, do it back againShake it, do it back again
体はここにいてKarada wa koko ni ite
心はここにいないKokoro wa koko ni inai
Come on, tell me where you atCome on, tell me where you at
(Tell me, tell me where you at)(Tell me, tell me where you at)
Why don’t you tell me where you atWhy don’t you tell me where you at
(Come on, tell me where you at, at)(Come on, tell me where you at, at)
Forty seconds の間にForty seconds no aida ni
知らない君になるShiranai kimi ni naru
Come on, tell me where you atCome on, tell me where you at
(Tell me, tell me where you at)(Tell me, tell me where you at)
Why don’t you tell me where you atWhy don’t you tell me where you at
(Come on, tell me where you at, at)(Come on, tell me where you at, at)
鳴りやまない BeatNariyamanai Beat
もたれる Dance floor の wallMotareru Dance floor no wall
耳に口を寄せてMimi ni kuchi wo yosete
そっと Screaming, ohSotto Screaming, oh
誰にも聞かれないようDare ni mo kikarenai yō
叫んでる愛の WordsSakenderu ai no Words
音に飲み込まれてOto ni nomikomarete
愛を段々登り詰めたいAi wo dandan noboritsumetai
近づく唇がChikazuku kuchibiru ga
It’s gonna be electricIt’s gonna be electric
触れないギリギリでFurenai girigiri de
It’s gonna be electricIt’s gonna be electric
Ooh baby, baby 目は閉じないでOoh baby, baby me wa tojinaide
Bounce bounce 暴れてる heartBounce bounce abareteru heart
火花飛び散れば BangHibana tobichireba Bang
It’s gonna be electricIt’s gonna be electric
しびれる刺激で DownShibireru shigeki de Down
It’s gonna be electricIt’s gonna be electric
Ooh baby, baby まだ触れないでOoh baby, baby mada furenai de
最悪なキスがしたいんだSaiaku na KISU ga shitainda
そう怒り出すまでSō ikaridasu made
このまま焦らしていいかいKono mama jirashite ii kai
So electric, so electric yeahSo electric, so electric yeah
誰と誰と誰が誰の何 輪に入ればDare to dare to dare ga dare no nani wa ni ireba
馬鹿が馬鹿に幅を利かせてるBaka ga baka ni haba wo kikaseteru
Baby, baby what it is yeahBaby, baby what it is yeah
Baby, baby what it isBaby, baby what it is
Oh baby, baby what it is yeahOh baby, baby what it is yeah
だって誰が誰の元のあれのそれだしDatte dare ga dare no moto no are no sore da shi
下手に手出しすれば足も手も出るHeta ni te dashi sureba ashi mo te mo deru
Baby baby what it is yeahBaby baby what it is yeah
Baby, baby what it isBaby, baby what it is
Oh baby, baby what it is yeahOh baby, baby what it is yeah
鳴りやまない BeatNariyamanai Beat
もたれる Dance floor の wallMotareru Dance floor no wall
耳に口を寄せてMimi ni kuchi wo yosete
そっと Screaming, ohSotto Screaming, oh
狭いこの街をもうSemai kono machi wo mō
Get out, we go 抜け出そうGet out, we go nukedasou
この闇に紛れてKono yami ni magirete
愛を段々登り詰めたいAi wo dandan noboritsumetai
近づく唇がChikazuku kuchibiru ga
It’s gonna be electricIt’s gonna be electric
触れないギリギリでFurenai girigiri de
It’s gonna be electricIt’s gonna be electric
Ooh baby, baby 目は閉じないでOoh baby, baby me wa tojinaide
Bounce bounce 暴れてる heartBounce bounce abareteru heart
火花飛び散れば BangHibana tobichireba Bang
It’s gonna be electricIt’s gonna be electric
しびれる刺激で DownShibireru shigeki de Down
It’s gonna be electricIt’s gonna be electric
Ooh baby, baby まだ触れないでOoh baby, baby mada furenai de
最悪なキスがしたいんだSaiaku na KISU ga shitainda
そう怒り出すまでSō ikaridasu made
このまま焦らしていいかいKono mama jirashite ii kai
So electric, so electric yeahSo electric, so electric yeah