Letra de "The Age Of Not Believing" por Disney | Disfruta la mejor música online

Descubre la letra completa de "The Age Of Not Believing", interpretada por Disney. En nuestra plataforma, no solo podrás disfrutar de esta canción, sino que también encontrarás una amplia colección de letras y videos de tus artistas favoritos. Explora más sobre Disney y muchas otras canciones que están marcando tendencia. ¡Todo en un solo lugar y completamente gratis!

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The Age Of Not Believing


When you rush around in hopeless circles
Searching everywhere for something true
You're at the age of not believing
When all the make-believe is through

When you've set aside your childhood heroes
And your dreams are lost upon a shelf
You're at the age of not believing
And, worst of all, you doubt yourself

You're a castaway where no one hears you
On a barren isle in a lonely sea
Where did all the happy endings go?
Where can all the good times be?

You must face the age of not believing
Doubting everything you ever knew
Until at last you start believing
There's something wonderful in you

You're at the age of not believing
And, worst of all, you doubt yourself

You're a castaway where no one hears you
On a barren isle in a lonely sea
Where did all the happy endings go?
Where can all the good times be?

You must face the age of not believing
Doubting everything you ever knew
Until at last you start believing
There's something wonderful in you

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