First time I saw you I was driving in my car / You smiled at me as you drove by / Next time I saw you I was drinking in a bar / Just trying to save the world / And right as time goes by / And still you're stuck inside my mind / And in my pen and in my head / And in my cigaratte in bed / I want you now / Please tell me how / When I go to bed at night / I just can't sleep you're on my mind / You're in my brain, I've gone insane / And now my life is one big pain / I want you now / Please tell me how / I'm just trying to save the world / From girls like you / Then three weeks later you were sleeping next to me / When I woke up sleep / It was just a dream / And right now as time goes by / And still you're stuck inside my mind / And in my pen and in my head / And in my cigarette in bed / You fucked me up / Now I give up / Maybe you would call it fate / I saw you twice in the same day / Once in a car, once in a bar / You've given me a mental scar / You fucked me up / Now I give up