There is a river, oh God
Flowing from Your perfect love
Waters that flow from Your holy throne
Waters that wash me and make me whole
Wherever God’s river goes
It will bring healing and hope
The deserts springs flow with this flowing grace
And this river is rounding here in this place
I want to drink
From Your river, oh God
Satisfy this longing deep withing my heart
I want to flow in Your waters
I want to drink in Your fountain
Where are living waters
You are the fountain, oh God
There is a river, oh God
Flowing from Your perfect love
Waters that flow from Your holy throne
Waters that wash me and make me whole
Wherever this river goes
It will bring healing and hope
The deserts springs flow with this flowing grace
And this river is rounding here in this place
You are the river, oh God
You are the fountain, oh God