"for the times have been and will come again
When you shall be persecuted for sticking to my word."
Who will have the courage to rise up
To speak up for the truth?
Who will share the passion
To raise their heads defending the faith?
Here i stand, i can do no other
I cannot draw back my words
I cannot hide, please help me father
To turn them into deeds
Who will be there to carry on
The flag of crimson blood cross?
Who will remain, when the elders have gone
To take over the watch?
Here i stand, i can do no other
I cannot draw back my words
I cannot hide, please help me father
To turn them into deeds
Here i stand, i can do no other
I cannot draw back my words
I cannot hide, please help me father
To turn them into deeds
"before i let anyone take me from the word of god and ask me to deny my belief,
I will kneel and let him strike off my head."