Blind you are fools! Your ignorant eyes can�t see further, to a world of blood. To a world that the cancer of the desert is not reigning. Beware! Servants of the golden idols, for the end of times shall come, for your mortal eyes shall be pierced by the spears of our will, for your flesh shall be given to the wolves. Behold! Behold! Behold!
The throne, she carries the anger of the ages, the wrath of the awakened ones and the fury of the dead. On the right is the sword of flames, and a torch she bears. Cursed! Cursed are the sheep! For you shall feel the bitter taste of Nemesis! The mother of all wars! Death! Death of Moralism, a sign of a Race War to come! Race War to come...
Damned! Damned are in eternity they are, all those who Nemesis shall find in sleep. On your own blood you shall be drowned! Damned! Damned!