Oh, I have heard of this place
A place of endless mercy and abundant grace
And I have seen it in my dreams
There're no regrets, no aggravation, and everything's as it seems
They say it once was home to Adam and Eve
But I can go there if I truly believe
I'm on a journey, a journey to grace
A place where all my failures fade in His embrace
I'm on a journey, a journey to grace
All my troubles, all my cares will be erased
No, nothing in this world can replace
My journey to grace
Some say the Garden of Eden
Never was, never will be, no it's not worth believing
But I know the story is no lie
Man and God walked together hand in
Hand, side by side
A place of perfect communion with the Lord
Where there is mercy, where His grace is my reward
I just can’t wait to see Eden at my journey’s end
I’ll be walking with my savior and friend