I've been feelin kind of sick to my stomach. It's just a gimmick, but the
kids seem to love it. And if you're patient you can witness the sell out.
I'm not a killer, but Hollywood is gonna drowned. but if you're feeling original.
Don't let it go to your head it's all been dones before. You're not the first one.
There's a rumor creeping into my ears; that we've been changing how our image appears.
I'll be the first one not the last one to tell you images in mirrors aren't as big as
you hear. Although I seem to have a bitter taste lingering in my mouth. I'm not a
trophy. I'm just a show fiend. Hold out your hand baby. Close your eyes. I'm gonna
take you on a journey tonight. They say I'm addicted to the spotlight. Oh no! I've
got a feeling they maybe right. Hold out your hand now baby. Close your eyes. I'll
take you on a journey if the feelings right. They say I'm addicted to the spotlight.
Oh no! I've got a feeling they maybe right. You leave the people wondering. You
leave the children wanting a popular attitude. You won't admit it's to flatter you.
I found the key. The spotlight fiend. I'm bringing you down to your shaking knees.