I'm on the corner, just look at the parking lot
It's a lot, there's a lot of people here
I wonder if you're going to be here tonight?
Well, I'm here, I'll see you
Okay, well I'm on the spot, I'm going now
Alright, I'm outside
Oh shit, I think I've seen him, hurry up!
I'm coming close to you
I saw you, from across the room
Be still, be good, I saw you
My head's in the clouds
I'm floating through the crowd
To try and find out, if it's real
Can somebody catch me?
This must be a dream
I don't want that day
And you, I need
Tento me caer en tus brazos
Quiero enamorarme de ti
Let me fall, in your arms tonight
Are you in love, and I'm in love with you
Tento me caer en tus brazos
Quiero enamorarme de ti
Let me fall, in your arms tonight
Are you in love, and I'm in love with you