Woe to ye iconoclast
Infidel of the one true faith
In awe you shall gaze upon this symbol
Kult - of the snake
Witness ye Satanachist
Deliverer of unholy faith
In awe you shall fall before this symbol
Kult - of the snake
I send fiery serpents to gnaw upon your cursed bodies
the colour of bone turns the ground white with holy splendor
Brazen Serpent - erected for fools blind repentance
Brazen Serpent - in devoted healing protects
Savage ye all - heathen ones
Korruptors of all our moral faith
By the idolatry - of the forked tongue
Cured - by the snake
Fall to your knees - unbelieve
Prokreators of our sinful hate
By the idolatry, of the forked tongue
Cured - by the snake
I send fiery serpents to gnaw upon your cursed bodies
the colour of bone turns the ground white with holy splendor
I smite with plague from the skies, demonstrate the storm of all might
your unbeliever flesh gets devoured by venomous wretches
Nehushtan - bronzen serpent - a staff fit for a beggar king
Nehushtan - bronzen serpent - mystery leads them away from sin
Nehushtan - bronzen serpent - a talisman for the weak