Rows by rows, headless statues resonating. This ceremony of cement
resembles our thirst for humanity and feeling. My blind eye: the offspring
of man.
The modern theory for viability, translucent from the eyes of command.
This pattern in sound : the offspring of time. The modern theory for
viability, translucent from the eyes of command.
Imprisonment for the common man. Downgraded psychology. A lesser
fate for heaven. The tentacles of control and visibility strangle hope and
rape freedom.
Rows by rows, headless statues amalgamate. Part the mind of conclusive
renaissance, and march as one
as one towards the breathing mountain of mirrors. Atmospheric venom
stains our sky with the preterition of tranquillity combined with the souls of
the stillborn. My blind eye: a orator for ink. This pattern in blood: the
offspring of.
Offspring of time, take my lead. Offspring of time, take my lead. Offspring
of time. Child. Imprisonment for the common man. Downgraded
psychology. A lesser fate for heaven. The Offspring of time.