Mirror, MirrorMirror, Mirror
Listen to my wishListen to my wish
Who's the fairest of them all?Who's the fairest of them all?
Mirror MirrorMirror Mirror
Make my wish come trueMake my wish come true
Who are you in the mirror?Who are you in the mirror?
Double, double, toil and troubleDouble, double, toil and trouble
Double, double, toil and troubleDouble, double, toil and trouble
Double, double, toil and troubleDouble, double, toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron bubbleFire burn and cauldron bubble
Fire burn and cauldron bubbleFire burn and cauldron bubble
Fire burn and cauldron bubbleFire burn and cauldron bubble
かがみのなかでいきるkagami no naka de ikiru
きみはなにをみているkimi wa nani o mite iru
りあるなじぶんなんてriaruna jibun nante
そんざいしてないんだからsonzai shi tenai ndakara
げんそうをこえてgensō o koete
じぶんさえもとびこえてjibun sae mo tobikoete
あたらしいせかいいまここにatarashī sekai i'ma koko ni
Mirror, MirrorMirror, Mirror
Listen to my wishListen to my wish
Who's the worst of them all?Who's the worst of them all?
Mirror, MirrorMirror, Mirror
Make my wish come trueMake my wish come true
Who are you in the mirror?Who are you in the mirror?
Double, double, toil and troubleDouble, double, toil and trouble
Double, double, toil and troubleDouble, double, toil and trouble
Double, double, toil and troubleDouble, double, toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron bubbleFire burn and cauldron bubble
Fire burn and cauldron bubbleFire burn and cauldron bubble
Fire burn and cauldron bubbleFire burn and cauldron bubble
かがみのなかでいきるkagami no naka de ikiru
ぼくがささやきかけるboku ga sasayaki kakeru
りあるなじぶんなんてriaruna jibun nante
そんざいしてないんだからsonzai shi tenai ndakara
げんそうをこえてgensō o koete
じぶんさえもとびこえてjibun sae mo tobikoete
あたらしいせかいいまここにatarashī sekai i'ma koko ni