Hey YouTube
It's Jessi Slaughter here and this is to all you fucking haters
You guys are bitches!
You guys are bitches!
You guys are bitches!
You guys are bitches!
Y'know what? I don't give a fuck
Y'know what? I don't give a fuck
Y'know what? I don't give a fuck
I'll pop a Glock in your mouth and make a brain slushie
One, I'm more prettier than you
Two, I have more friends
Um, more people like me
Um, I have more fans
Um, yea I know that shit
Um, yea I know that shit
U-u-um, yea I know that shit
Um, yea I know that shit
U-u-um, yea I know that shit
Um, yea I know that shit
U-u-um, yea I know that shit
Um, yea I know that shit
U-u-um, yea I know that shit