It seems one day that youll be spitting the next day you are sitting
Next to him holding his hand
It all adds up to aggravating it all adds up to irritating
Im afraid I dont understand
One day you say that you hate him the next week you act like you love him
Why cant you make up your damn mind
Before my company was welcome today I am an imposition
Happens to me all of the time
Hear all the sights , see all the sounds
Ill always be frustrated again
I throw myself into the fire and I will burn for my desire
Fall to my death upon the rocks
These setbacks take their toll upon me I try too hard and I will
Finally trap myself here with my own locks
What Ive seen really shouldnt matter youd think that I had always had her
Why must I always feel so hurt
I never have to ask for heartache I stop to dream and I get heartbreak
Clouds wont keep me from hitting dirt
Hear all the sights , see all the sounds
Ill always be frustrated again
I understand it that you dont understand it and its weighing heavy on your heart
What can I tell you that I dont have answers but I guess you knew that from the start